
10 essential items to have in your Earthquake Kit

Publish on Jun 06, 2017


Earthquakes. It’s something no one wishes to experience let alone think about. But the reality is, it could very well happen to you and your family. Living in beautiful British Columbia, we have heeded many warnings from the experts. So, the question arises: ARE YOU PREPARED? Don’t worry, you are not alone.

We have prepared a Top 10 Essentials list to help you prepare (or review) your Earthquake Survival Kit with most Items available at your local Dollar and Cents Store. We have prioritized this list in order of importance.

  1. Food + Water. One week’s supply of bottled water and dry/canned food. Ensure you check expiry dates and replace when needed. Some great suggestions are: Canned Tuna/Salmon, Protein Bars, Crackers, Granola/Energy Bars, Nuts, Dried fruit and chocolate of course. And don’t forget your pets! They will need food too.
  2. First Aid Kit. A small Emergency First Aid Kit complete with various sized band aids, alcohol pads, butterfly closure band aids and cotton tips as shown here. The extreme damage and destruction an earthquake can leave behind can be dangerous. This is a definite must, especially if you have children.


  3. Lighting. Battery operated flashlight or lantern AND extra batteries. An earthquake may hit in the middle of the night and/or leave you without power for days. Light provides security. Remember to check the expiry date on your extra batteries and replace when needed.
  4. Medications. One week’s supply of you and your families (and pets) prescribed medications. Remember you may not be at home when an earthquake strikes. Again, check every 6 months as doses and changes to your prescriptions may change.
  5. Pocketknife. A pocket knife or multi-use tool to open dry and canned food, first aid treatment or other uses, jackknife, bottle opener, etc.
  6. Apparel + Blankets. Thermal Blankets and seasonal clothing for at least 3 days. You will need a minimum of one blanket per person per household. With our Seasonal changes and during times of stress, you can never have enough warmth. Twice a year, remember to change out your clothing for Winter/Summer. You don’t want to be wearing flip flops in the Winter and Sweaters in the Summer.
  7. Radio with extra Batteries. Your cell phone battery will eventually die and you may be without power for days. Being prepared with a battery operated or crank Radio to hear the emergency updates is essential. Test your radio every 6 months.
  8. Cash. Yes cash! Your wallet may be buried or perhaps you can’t get back to your house to retrieve it. Suggestion: $100.00 in small denominations as your local store may not have access to smaller bills. And don’t forget a pen and paper. You may need to write down emergency addresses, phone numbers and other key information.


  9. 5 in 1 Survival Kit. Complete with a match box, compass, flint, mirror and a whistle. Depending on the time of day and where you or your family are, you may need these essential items.
  10. Spare set of Keys. Lastly, we suggest you have a spare set of car and house keys in your Earthquake Survival Kit. Again, when and where you are combined with the condition of the roads, you and your family may not be able to get back OR into your house/car.
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